Category: Spirituality

Prana The Life Force

Prana The Life Force

Prana is a Sanskrit word that translates as “life force” or “vital energy.” In Hindu and yoga philosophy, it is the universal energy that animates all living beings and pervades the entire universe. It is the energy that sustains life and is responsible for all physical, mental, and spiritual processes. According to the Hindu philosophy,…
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The Dhyanalinga is a unique and powerful energy form that was created by Indian spiritual leader and yogi, Sadhguru. It is a unique, seven-foot tall, granite structure that has been consecrated through the process of yogic practices and rituals. It is a meditative space that is said to be infused with powerful spiritual energy and…
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What Is Life?

What Is Life?

As Sadhguru explains, you weighed just a few pounds when you were born. However, with time you have grown into a much larger and heavier body that you carry around. What has made this growth possible? Your growth was made possible by the food that you ate. Interestingly, the body you have gathered is nothing…
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Kailash The Most Sacred Mountain

Is There God?

If you believe there is God, in a way, you are right. If you believe there is no God, in a way, you are also right. Either way, if you only believe, you admit that you do not know. If you choose just to believe, you close the doors to finding the truth. Is it…
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How To Meditate

How To Meditate

Sadhguru nails it right out of the gate – one cannot do meditation. But, you can become meditative, which will result in the quality called meditation. As He explains, the word meditation in English does not mean anything specific. For example, in the western world, one sitting with eyes closed is said to be meditating.…
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Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashta means eight. Ashtanga means the eight ‘angas’ or parts of a body. Therefore, ashtanga yoga means the eight-limbed yoga. These eight limbs are Yama refers to the most basic principles that one should follow. Yama, therefore, refers to the foundation of yoga. Adhering to these principles at all times is a must. 2. Niyama…
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Who Is A Guru?

Who Is A Guru?

Guru is a Sanskrit word that has found its place for common usage even in the English language. Unfortunately, the casual use of this word is also one of the reasons that it has lost its deep significance.  In the literal sense, a guru is a dispeller of darkness that arises from ignorance. Humans, in…
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The Point Today

The Point Today

The Point Today is about human consciousness. But unfortunately, consciousness is one of the most misunderstood words in the English language.  The Point Today is about reviving Yoga. But, unfortunately, Yoga is another of the most misunderstood words in the world. As Sadhguru explains, Yoga is not just twisting and contorting oneself. It means union…
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Sadhguru's Miracles

Sadhguru’s Miracles

Sadhguru puts it the most aptly, “In one way, there are no miracles in life. But, if you look at life closely, everything in life is a miracle!” Sadhguru has spent several lifetimes mastering yoga and becoming the enlightened one he is. A realized being is the Divinity in every sense. He knows and has…
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Yoga - Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi

Yoga – Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi

Up to now, we have studied the first five “Angas,” or limbs of yoga. These five limbs were Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama and Pratyahara. These were, in a way, preparatory steps to the controlling of the mind. Each of the limbs helps to build on the next level on the path to the mastery of…
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