The Point Today

The Point Today

The Point Today

The Point Today is about human consciousness. But unfortunately, consciousness is one of the most misunderstood words in the English language. 

The Point Today is about reviving Yoga. But, unfortunately, Yoga is another of the most misunderstood words in the world. As Sadhguru explains, Yoga is not just twisting and contorting oneself. It means union with the cosmos. Yoga is to obliterate the boundaries of your individuality. 

The world could not be luckier to have Sadhguru among us. He is a Yogi whose mission is to raise every human being to the peak of their potential so that they are exuberant, all-inclusive, and in harmony within themselves and the world. He has often put his life on the line to force policy changes worldwide to mitigate the impact of environmental issues.

The Point Today is about spreading Sadhguru’s message. It is about discussing, understanding, and following His teachings.