Category: Work

Working From Home Has Worked

Working From Home Has Worked

Working from home, also known as telecommuting or remote work, has become increasingly common during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was in a way forced to reduce the spread of the virus and protect public health. Many people have been able to continue their work remotely. They have been using computer and internet technologies to communicate…
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The Secret Mantra of Success

The Secret Mantra of Success

The approach of a new year spawns many desires to fulfill dreams that could not be in the past year. So why do we seem to fail each time in accomplishing something big? The failure is not because we aim for a big goal. On the contrary, shooting for an unrealistic goal is the hallmark…
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Laws of Work

Laws of Work

Those that go through the daily hardship of earning a living feel like being at the receiving end. And, there is also often no end to these people’s hardship.  Unfortunately, the discrepancy exists regardless of whether one is a part of the corporate sector or a daily wage earner. The poorer you are, the harder…
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