Month: February 2022

Why The Mind Is So Restless

Why The Mind Is So Restless

You might notice that focusing your mind on something is not always difficult. Do you ever have to put any effort to stay focused watching an exciting movie? No. Focusing the mind on anything that produces sensual pleasure of any kind does not require any effort. It seems to get focused without we giving it…
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YOLO - You Only Live Once, But Are You Sure?

YOLO – You Only Live Once, But Are You Sure?

Indeed, that is so if you can make it happen! The YOLO believers of today, in a way, acknowledge mortality. Therefore, their goal is to squeeze out the best life can offer before it gets too late. Life is to be enjoyed to the fullest. And that is demonstrated in nature all the time. Even…
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Breathing And Meditation

Breathing And Meditation

Interestingly, the mind can stay focused on a distraction! As long as there is a distraction, the mind can stay focused on the activity that causes that distraction. As long as the activity engenders sensual satisfaction, the mind stays focused on it. Now, you may not find any sensual satisfaction in meditation. To meditate, one…
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Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

Nature has bestowed upon us the abundance of resources that can be used as food and shelter and as cures for ailments that a body might develop. Being connected to Nature diminishes the chances of becoming sick, but getting hurt cannot be ruled out when fighting the battles of life.However, the battles of life sometimes…
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The Amusement Park of Life

The Amusement Park of Life

You do not have to imagine the rides in the amusement park of life. But, you do not have a choice. While here, sometimes you will have to ride the scariest of roller coasters. Sometimes, you will enjoy the merry go rounds merrily. Your parents had bought you the entrance ticket. When you got in,…
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