Category: Karma

What Is Happiness

What Is Happiness

Wealth, power, love are some of the often sought means for achieving happiness. Almost everyone seems to know what they need to be happy. Anyone, however, hardly is. We work hard every day in pursuit of happiness. Many of us are forced to work hard, just to be able to survive while some flaunt lavishness and…
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The Power of Being Unattached

The Power of Being Unattached

Let me tell you a beautiful story that has been adapted from the writings of Swami Vivekanand. Once upon a time, there was a sannyasi who had been practicing yoga and meditation for many years. As a result, he had developed many yogic powers. Once while he was meditating under a tree, a crow and…
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The Fate of The Corrupt

The Fate of The Corrupt

Having power over others is an intoxication like no other. The thirst for power has been the major reason for all conflicts worldwide throughout history. So if politics had ensnared even the kingdom of Rama, its ever-growing mesh in the current corrupt environment is indeed no surprise. The power to rule over others is usurped…
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Living Life The Right Way

Living Life The Right Way

Life is short. Yes, if you are really living every moment it! What does that mean? Have you watched children playing in a group in a park or the village streets, sometimes? You might have noticed that it did not matter if those children were from poor or well-to-do families. When they are playing, all…
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Is There Justice for All

Is There Justice for All

It often seems that the laws and regulations are enforced only on the weak. As a result, a minor violation of law often lands a poor person behind bars while the rich defy even the most stringent laws with impunity. Moreover, their wealth empowers them to bend the laws to meet their whims and interests…
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