Category: Spirituality

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad is one of Hindu Dharma’s oldest and most important of the Upanishads. It is a vast text comprising six chapters and discussions on various topics related to spirituality, philosophy, and the nature of reality. It is a part of the Shatapatha Brahmana of the Yajurveda and is believed to have been composed…
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The Bhagavad Gita

The Bhagavad Gita

In the Hindu epic Mahabharata, one of the main characters, Arjuna, faces a moral dilemma on the battlefield. He is a warrior prince and a member of the Pandavas. He is fighting against their cousins, the Kauravas, for control of the kingdom. However, as the two armies prepare for battle, Arjuna realizes that many of…
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Mantras Are Powerful

Mantras Are Powerful

Mantras have powerful effects on the mind, body, and spirit. Therefore, they are sacred and often associated with spiritual and religious practices. They are used in different spiritual traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. A mantra is a word or a phrase. For example, one would recite a mantra repeatedly as a form of…
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Yoga Sutras

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Sage Patanjali was an ancient Indian sage who lived sometime between the 2nd century BCE and the 2nd century CE. He is best known as the author of the Yoga Sutras. These Sutras are a collection of 196 Indian sutras (aphorisms) that form the foundation of the philosophical system of Yoga. The works of Patanjali…
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Why Is There A Fear of Religion

Why Is There A Fear of Religion

Fear of Religion is palpable in the populations in modern times. Religion can play a significant role in people’s lives and provide a sense of community, purpose, and spiritual fulfillment. It can instill hope. Unfortunately, people use many religious beliefs and practices to justify discrimination, violence, and other harmful actions in the name of God.…
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The Deep Meaning of Yoga

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

The Eight Limbs of Yoga is a scientific, documented, and proven way to achieve enlightenment. The word Yoga means union. Yoga is about obliterating the boundaries of your individuality and becoming one with the cosmos. It is not just the various exercise postures that especially the western world has come to think of Yoga as.…
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Kailash The Most Sacred Mountain

Kailash The Most Sacred Mountain

Mount Kailash is a mountain in the Himalayas in Tibet. It is the most sacred mountain in several religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Bon. In addition, it is the spiritual center of the universe. Unfortunately, the mountain is located in a remote and difficult-to-access area. As a result, it has yet to be extensively…
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Solstices Are Significant in Hinduism

Solstices Are Significant in Hinduism

The solstices are significant events in Hindu Dharma, as they mark the beginning of the sun’s northward and southward journey. The journey of the Sun is associated with the cycle of life and death in Hinduism. Therefore, meditation is an important practice in Hinduism. The solstices are considered particularly auspicious times for meditation and spiritual…
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Tantra is misunderstood in the West

Tantra Is Misunderstood in The West

People often associate tantra with using rituals, mantras, and other techniques to tap into and channel the energy and power of the universe. They see it as a way to achieve spiritual growth, enlightenment, and unity with the divine. We find it in Hinduism and Buddhism, although it has also influenced other regional spiritual traditions.…
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Karma - The Most Misinterpreted Word

Karma – The Most Misinterpreted Word

Sadhguru is the author of a book titled “Karma: The Science of Karma and How to Use it for a Fulfilling Life.” The book describes the concept of Karma which is the belief in Hindu Dharma and Buddhism that the actions and intentions of an individual have consequences in the present and future lives. In…
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