Category: Garden

Indoor Plant Leaves Are Drying

If Indoor Plants Are Drying Out

Indoor plants, in a way, bring the backyard garden inside the room! Seeing the leaves dry out on the beloved plants suddenly can perplex even the most seasoned gardeners sometimes! Fortunately, you can address this issue without much hassle! There are a few different reasons why the leaves of indoor plants may be drying out:…
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Self-Watering Pots for Your Plants

Self-Watering Pots for Your Plants

Self-watering pots have become increasingly popular in recent years. It is so due to their convenience and ability to help plants grow more effectively. These pots are containers that automatically water plants by using a reservoir of water stored in the pot. The water is typically delivered to the plants through a wicking system. It…
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Grafting Is The Secret

Grafting Is The Secret

Sometimes you might have wondered why your neighbor’s rose plant produces more roses than yours. The answer lies in the technique called grafting. Grafting is a horticultural technique. A piece of one plant (the scion) joins to the root system of another plant (the rootstock). There are several techniques, including cleft, bark and whip and…
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Air Plants for Indoor Gardening

Air Plants for Indoor Gardening

Air plants are flowering plants belonging to the bromeliad family. They are native to the tropical regions of Central and South America. People love these plants for their ability to survive without soil Air plants get their nutrients and moisture from the air. They can grow indoors or outdoors in various settings. In addition, they…
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Pollination: Is It A Challenge for Indoor Plants

Pollination: Is It A Challenge for Indoor Plants

Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred from the male reproductive organs (stamen) of a flower to the female reproductive organs (pistil) of the same flower or of another flower on the same plant or on a different plant of the same species. Pollination is necessary for the fertilization of the ovules in…
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