Category: Medicine

Amla, or Indian Gooseberry

Amla – The Wonderful Indian Gooseberry

Amla, or Indian Gooseberry, is a popular traditional Ayurvedic medicine native to India. We know it for its high vitamin C content and other antioxidants that bring various health benefits. Also, its high vitamin C content makes it appealing to people looking to support their immune systems. In addition, it helps to improve digestion and…
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Chewing Food Is Important

Chewing Food Is Important

Chewing food is an important part of the digestion process. When you chew your food, you mechanically break it down into smaller pieces, which makes it easier to swallow and digest. Chewing also mixes food with saliva, which contains enzymes that help to break down the food further. Chewing your food well is important for…
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Nut Allergies Need Immediate Attention

Nut Allergies Need Immediate Attention

Nut allergies are very common amongst all age groups. The word “nut” comes from the Latin word “nux,” which means “seed.” Nuts are a good source of protein, fats, and other nutrients. We often use them in cooking and baking. Some nuts, such as almonds and pistachios, are seeds, while others, such as walnuts and…
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Nail Fungus Can Be Painful

Nail Fungus Can Be Painful

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis or tinea unguium, is a common condition affecting the fingernails or toes. It is caused by a fungus called a dermatophyte, which feeds on keratin, the protein that makes up the nails. Other types of fungi, as well as yeast and mold, can also cause nail fungus. Older adults…
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Types of Medicine

Types of Medicine

Medicine is the science and practice of diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases and injuries. It involves the use of various therapies and interventions to restore health and prevent illness. There are many different types of medicine, including: Allopathic medicine: This is the traditional approach to medicine, which focuses on diagnosing and treating diseases using drugs…
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