Category: Life

Best Ways to Manage Stress

Best Ways to Manage Stress

Stress is an inevitable part of life, and it can be caused by a variety of factors, such as work, relationships, and financial concerns. While some stress can be beneficial and motivate us to take action, excessive stress can have negative effects on both physical and mental health. It is important to find ways to…
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Why Meat Eating Is Not Good for You

Why Meat Eating Is Not Good for You

Eating meat has long been a staple of the human diet, but there are many compelling reasons why this practice may not be good for human health or for the environment. One of the main concerns about eating meat is its potential impact on human health. Some studies have suggested that a diet high in…
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What Is Life?

What Is Life?

As Sadhguru explains, you weighed just a few pounds when you were born. However, with time you have grown into a much larger and heavier body that you carry around. What has made this growth possible? Your growth was made possible by the food that you ate. Interestingly, the body you have gathered is nothing…
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How To Meditate

How To Meditate

Sadhguru nails it right out of the gate – one cannot do meditation. But, you can become meditative, which will result in the quality called meditation. As He explains, the word meditation in English does not mean anything specific. For example, in the western world, one sitting with eyes closed is said to be meditating.…
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Why Humans Eat Meat

Why Humans Eat Meat

To put it mildly: they eat meat because of their sheer ignorance and arrogance. Only humans feel no remorse in hurting another living being as long as they can subdue that being. Killing another living being is allowed even by law when the killing pertains to self-defense. But killing another living creature for mere carnal…
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What Is Happiness

What Is Happiness

Wealth, power, love are some of the often sought means for achieving happiness. Almost everyone seems to know what they need to be happy. Anyone, however, hardly is. We work hard every day in pursuit of happiness. Many of us are forced to work hard, just to be able to survive while some flaunt lavishness and…
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The Secret Mantra of Success

The Secret Mantra of Success

The approach of a new year spawns many desires to fulfill dreams that could not be in the past year. So why do we seem to fail each time in accomplishing something big? The failure is not because we aim for a big goal. On the contrary, shooting for an unrealistic goal is the hallmark…
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The Power of Being Unattached

The Power of Being Unattached

Let me tell you a beautiful story that has been adapted from the writings of Swami Vivekanand. Once upon a time, there was a sannyasi who had been practicing yoga and meditation for many years. As a result, he had developed many yogic powers. Once while he was meditating under a tree, a crow and…
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The Fate of The Corrupt

The Fate of The Corrupt

Having power over others is an intoxication like no other. The thirst for power has been the major reason for all conflicts worldwide throughout history. So if politics had ensnared even the kingdom of Rama, its ever-growing mesh in the current corrupt environment is indeed no surprise. The power to rule over others is usurped…
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Social Behavior

Social Behavior

Those who rush after capitalism ignore the impact of their zeal on the planet. As a result, people close their eyes when confronted with the worsening climate change. However, some ceaselessly go on planting trees to redress the harm done by capitalistic zeal. The pulls of the society in different directions are similar to those…
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