Tag: Save Soil


Desertification Is Spreading Fast

Desertification is the process by which fertile land becomes desert-like, with little or no vegetation and low productivity. Besides, it is a serious problem that affects millions of hectares of land around the world. It can have a range of negative impacts on ecosystems, food security, and human well-being. Soil is a vital component of…
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Desertification Is Becoming Alarming

Desertification Is Becoming Alarming

Desertification and climate change are closely linked, with desertification often being driven or exacerbated by climate change. Desertification is the process by which land becomes increasingly dry and barren, often due to a combination of human activities and environmental factors. Climate change, on the other hand, is the long-term warming of the Earth’s surface and…
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Beneath Our Feet

Beneath Our Feet

What we keep beneath our feet, Is a precious resource sweet, Without it, we’d have no food, Our crops would wither, our gardens would droop. But we’ve been taking it for granted, Treating it like a mere ornament, We’ve been polluting and degrading, And now it’s time for us to start saving. Let’s give the…
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The Real Treasure

The Real Treasure

Oh, soil, so rich and brown A treasure to the ground A source of life and growth A treasure to be found From the tiniest seed To the tallest tree The soil gives us all we need To thrive and be free But oh, how we abuse This precious gift from above With our greed…
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Save Our Soil

Save Our Soil

Save our soil, the earth’s brown cloak, Protect it from harm, let it not be broke. For without it, life cannot thrive, It’s the foundation on which we survive. With every step we take, let’s be sure, To tread lightly, and not let it be impure. For the soil holds the key to our future,…
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The Soil Life Stands Upon

The Soil Life Stands Upon

The soil beneath our feet Is a treasure we can’t repeat It sustains us and all life But we treat it like a knife We plow and till and dig Leaving it exposed and big We drain its moisture and its health Until it’s just a barren shelf But the soil is not a toy…
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Oh Soil!

Oh Soil!

Oh soil, oh soil, so rich and so fair The very foundation of life, without you there’d be no air You feed our crops and our plants, you give them a place to grow Without you, we’d all be lost, with nowhere to go You hold onto our water, you keep it in place You…
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Soil, the foundation of life

Soil, the foundation of life

In fields and forests far and wide The soil is where our food resides A precious resource, rich and deep Without it, our crops would not reap But sadly, it’s being destroyed By human actions, uncontrolled Through erosion and pollution We’re losing this essential solution To feed our growing population We must protect our soil’s…
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Save Soil. Why?

Save Soil. Why?

Sadhguru has been relentless in bringing awareness about soil losing its organic content for decades through the Save Soil campaign. As he dumbs it down for everyone to understand, he says, “if you add organic content to sand, the sand becomes soil. If you remove organic content from the soil, the soil becomes sand.” A…
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Sadhguru's Miracles

Sadhguru’s Miracles

Sadhguru puts it the most aptly, “In one way, there are no miracles in life. But, if you look at life closely, everything in life is a miracle!” Sadhguru has spent several lifetimes mastering yoga and becoming the enlightened one he is. A realized being is the Divinity in every sense. He knows and has…
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