Author: Tas

Shaping Our Destiny

Shaping Our Destiny

Imagine you are strolling on a sidewalk and suddenly happen to step on a river stone. The goodness in you picks up that stone and throws it in a trash can so that someone else does not get to step on it and get hurt. Imagine an aged couple coming walking down on the same…
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It is 8 pm, sweetie. I am parked outside. That is what I used to text my daughter whenever I went to pick her up from a friend’s house after, say, a birthday party. Let me be honest here. Punctuality was not one of my highest priorities until one day, my tardiness lay bare my…
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Managing Stress And Anxiety

Managing Stress And Anxiety

These days it is common to aver that one is stressed out. One who is not stressed out would be assumed as someone who has given up, as one who might not be successful. Well, stress is undoubtedly way more common than it ought to be. In this environment, a stress- free person would be…
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Living Life The Right Way

Living Life The Right Way

Life is short. Yes, if you are really living every moment it! What does that mean? Have you watched children playing in a group in a park or the village streets, sometimes? You might have noticed that it did not matter if those children were from poor or well-to-do families. When they are playing, all…
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Life Is A Struggle. And That Is A Good Thing

Life Is A Struggle. And That Is A Good Thing

Who does not crib about the struggles in life? No one seems to be happy with what they have in life. A kid wants to be grown up, and a grown-up longs for his childhood to come once again. Unfortunately, struggles seem to be at every step of life. If you look closely, you will…
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Laws of Work

Laws of Work

Those that go through the daily hardship of earning a living feel like being at the receiving end. And, there is also often no end to these people’s hardship.  Unfortunately, the discrepancy exists regardless of whether one is a part of the corporate sector or a daily wage earner. The poorer you are, the harder…
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Is There Justice for All

Is There Justice for All

It often seems that the laws and regulations are enforced only on the weak. As a result, a minor violation of law often lands a poor person behind bars while the rich defy even the most stringent laws with impunity. Moreover, their wealth empowers them to bend the laws to meet their whims and interests…
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Why The Mind Is So Restless

Why The Mind Is So Restless

You might notice that focusing your mind on something is not always difficult. Do you ever have to put any effort to stay focused watching an exciting movie? No. Focusing the mind on anything that produces sensual pleasure of any kind does not require any effort. It seems to get focused without we giving it…
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YOLO - You Only Live Once, But Are You Sure?

YOLO – You Only Live Once, But Are You Sure?

Indeed, that is so if you can make it happen! The YOLO believers of today, in a way, acknowledge mortality. Therefore, their goal is to squeeze out the best life can offer before it gets too late. Life is to be enjoyed to the fullest. And that is demonstrated in nature all the time. Even…
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Breathing And Meditation

Breathing And Meditation

Interestingly, the mind can stay focused on a distraction! As long as there is a distraction, the mind can stay focused on the activity that causes that distraction. As long as the activity engenders sensual satisfaction, the mind stays focused on it. Now, you may not find any sensual satisfaction in meditation. To meditate, one…
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