Tag: Prana


Death Is The Only Certainty Says Sadhguru

As humans, we are bound to experience death, whether it is the passing of loved ones or contemplating our mortality. However, the afterlife remains one of human existence’s most enigmatic and complex aspects. Sadhguru, a contemporary spiritual leader and founder of the Isha Foundation, provides unique insights into the process of death, the journey of…
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Prana The Life Force

Prana The Life Force

Prana is a Sanskrit word that translates as “life force” or “vital energy.” In Hindu and yoga philosophy, it is the universal energy that animates all living beings and pervades the entire universe. It is the energy that sustains life and is responsible for all physical, mental, and spiritual processes. According to the Hindu philosophy,…
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What Is Pranayama

What Is Pranayama

Most people take Pranayama as breath control. Well, they may not be wrong because one does seem to be controlling the breath. However, when one breathes, Prana also gets inhaled along with oxygen. So Pranayama makes use of breathing to channel the flow of Prana.  Pranayama can be broken into two words in two ways:…
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What Is Prana

What Is Prana

Prāna is associated with the movement of breath, but Prāna is not the breath itself. That is why it is incorrect to think of Prānāyāma just as a breathing exercise. When you breathe, you inhale and exhale. But what makes you breathe? Medical science tells us that the movement of the diaphragm muscle makes the…
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