Tag: ashtanga

The Deep Meaning of Yoga

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

The Eight Limbs of Yoga is a scientific, documented, and proven way to achieve enlightenment. The word Yoga means union. Yoga is about obliterating the boundaries of your individuality and becoming one with the cosmos. It is not just the various exercise postures that especially the western world has come to think of Yoga as.…
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Yoga Asana

Yoga Asana

In the West, Yoga is totally misunderstood as a set of physical exercises. On the contrary, Yoga is the complete science about attaining the highest level of meditation, Samadhi, and experiencing God. Moreover, it is time-tested, well-structured, documented, and experienced by thousands of yogis over many centuries. To attain Samadhi, one needs a completely tranquil…
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