Category: Health

Insects Are Vanishing

Important Insects Are Vanishing At An Alarming Rate

Insects, often overlooked but undoubtedly essential, comprise Earth’s most diverse and abundant organisms. They perform many critical roles in ecosystems, including pollination, decomposition, and serving as an indispensable food source for countless other species. Recent studies, however, have brought forth a disturbing trend: insect populations are declining precipitously worldwide, with some species even teetering on…
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Death Is The Only Certainty Says Sadhguru

As humans, we are bound to experience death, whether it is the passing of loved ones or contemplating our mortality. However, the afterlife remains one of human existence’s most enigmatic and complex aspects. Sadhguru, a contemporary spiritual leader and founder of the Isha Foundation, provides unique insights into the process of death, the journey of…
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Shakti Is The Most Powerful Divine Feminine Force

Shakti, a central concept in Hinduism, represents the divine feminine power and energy that underlies the entire universe. As the dynamic, creative force behind all existence, She is both the source and sustainer of life. In Hindu philosophy, She is the counterpart of the masculine principle, represented by Shiva. Their union signifies the ultimate balance…
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Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is a specific type of Yoga that focuses on physical postures, breathing techniques , and purification techniques. Hatha Yoga is often described as the branch of Yoga that deals with the physical body. It aims to develop strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination. In Hatha Yoga, the emphasis is on holding the postures for…
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Regular Balanced Diet Is The Key

Regular Balanced Diet Is The Key

Believe it or not, we are a pile of food that stays with the body for some time after digestion. The body absorbs that food to grow. In a way, the body is that transformed food. Therefore it is critical you eat a regular balanced diet to keep this body healthy. The body is just…
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The Magic of Turmeric

Turmeric A Spice And Medicine

The magic of Turmeric as spice and medicine is enthralling. Turmeric is a plant native to Southeast Asia. It is a member of the ginger family. Turmeric is a prominent spice in cooking, particularly in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisine. The main ingredient in Turmeric is curcumin, which has many potential health benefits. In addition,…
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Losing Your Hair Worrying About Baldness

Losing Your Hair Worrying About Baldness

Losing your hair can often keep you up at night but worrying too much about it can make the situation even worse! Stress and anxiety can physically affect the body, including hair loss. While it is normal to shed a certain amount of hair each day, excessive stress or anxiety can cause an increase in…
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Chewing Food Is Important

Chewing Food Is Important

Chewing food is an important part of the digestion process. When you chew your food, you mechanically break it down into smaller pieces, which makes it easier to swallow and digest. Chewing also mixes food with saliva, which contains enzymes that help to break down the food further. Chewing your food well is important for…
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Nut Allergies Need Immediate Attention

Nut Allergies Need Immediate Attention

Nut allergies are very common amongst all age groups. The word “nut” comes from the Latin word “nux,” which means “seed.” Nuts are a good source of protein, fats, and other nutrients. We often use them in cooking and baking. Some nuts, such as almonds and pistachios, are seeds, while others, such as walnuts and…
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Nail Fungus Can Be Painful

Nail Fungus Can Be Painful

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis or tinea unguium, is a common condition affecting the fingernails or toes. It is caused by a fungus called a dermatophyte, which feeds on keratin, the protein that makes up the nails. Other types of fungi, as well as yeast and mold, can also cause nail fungus. Older adults…
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