Author: Tas

Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

Nature has bestowed upon us the abundance of resources that can be used as food and shelter and as cures for ailments that a body might develop. Being connected to Nature diminishes the chances of becoming sick, but getting hurt cannot be ruled out when fighting the battles of life.However, the battles of life sometimes…
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The Amusement Park of Life

The Amusement Park of Life

You do not have to imagine the rides in the amusement park of life. But, you do not have a choice. While here, sometimes you will have to ride the scariest of roller coasters. Sometimes, you will enjoy the merry go rounds merrily. Your parents had bought you the entrance ticket. When you got in,…
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What Is Prana

What Is Prana

Prāna is associated with the movement of breath, but Prāna is not the breath itself. That is why it is incorrect to think of Prānāyāma just as a breathing exercise. When you breathe, you inhale and exhale. But what makes you breathe? Medical science tells us that the movement of the diaphragm muscle makes the…
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Hindu Dharma - In A Nutshell

Hindu Dharma – In A Nutshell

Hindu Dharma is not “Hinduism”, just like Christianity is not Christianism. Hindu Dharma is not a religion either. Hindu Dharma is a way of life. There are no restrictions or rules. The aim of Hindu Dharma is the realization of one’s Self. So the focus is not on just believing something written in a book…
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The Vedas

The Vedas

The word Veda in Sanskrit means knowledge. It is derived from ‘vid,’ which in Sanskrit means to know. The sacred Vedic knowledge is said to have been revealed to the Rishis. There is no human author of the Vedic knowledge. Instead, they transferred this divine knowledge to their disciples and descendants by oral instruction.  ‘Veda’…
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Hindu Dharma - In A Nutshell

The Vedantic Knowledge

The Rishis in ancient India were the enlightened beings who understood the inner world and its relationship with the external world. Therefore, all ancient Indian knowledge came from the Rishis. Normally, the Rishis were also the Gurus who imparted knowledge to their disciples. The word Veda means knowledge. It is derived from the Sanskrit word…
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Focusing The Mind

Focusing The Mind

The mercurial nature of the mind has always been a challenge for almost everyone. From the mighty Kings and warriors of ancient India to the novices on the path of Yoga, everyone struggles to keep the mind focused on something spiritual. It is not that you cannot make the mind concentrate on something. On the…
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Hindutva And Hindu Dharma

Hindutva And Hindu Dharma

The word Hindutva means the essence of being a Hindu. In other words, it means the essence of Hindu Dharma. However, lately, politics and the western media have degraded Hindutva to mean Hindu nationalism. Hindu Dharma is better known as the Sanātana Dharma. Sanātana means eternal. Dharma stands for the eternal truth, the rules of…
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Is There A Way Out of Struggle

Is There A Way Out of Struggle

How often do you come across someone who is always blissfully happy? Well, you might immediately push back, asking if being always blissfully happy even possible, and what would that even mean if it was? A look at the world around you would quickly reveal the struggles that abound around us. Right after birth, a…
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The Upanishads

The Upanishads

Upanishads are like the gist of the Vedas. They are also referred to as Vedanta, which means the final part of the Vedas. Most of them are very short documents containing a few verses. Most of which came from the Upanishads, Vedantic knowledge was taught only to the “Adhikari” or to the qualified one to…
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